As you know, our plan is to release ntopng 2.0 later this spring. While we are still coding the last missing features, we have start packaging the tool so that you can start testing it. We have decided to create two versions of ntopng:
- Community edition: free open-source version, that you can use at no cost.
- Professional version: fee-based version, that includes features useful in companies. Of course this version will be free of charge for educations and universities as with all other ntop commercial products.
There will also be two binary ntopng editions (you can still compile the code from source) available on the ntop packages web site:
- Standard: x64 packages for CentOS and Ubuntu server (same as today).
- Embedded: packages for embedded platforms such as MIPS and ARM, so that you can use them on your favourite embedded box.
All the binary packages we are building contain the pro version that can be used in community mode starting it as “ntopng –community”. If you want to test the pro version, you can mail providing the information listed here.
The list of new features is very long and counting. We will start publishing news very soon. In the meantime for all those interested in understanding the direction where we are going, I suggest you to have a look at the presentation we made this week at Cebit.