We’re happy to announce ntopng 6.2, a 10 months long development cycle. We have changed a few things in the UI and under the hood.
- Many pages as the flow page have been rewritten from scratch for responsiveness and usability
- Mitre Att&ck has been integrated in alerts, flow risks and dashboards.As you can see we now have implemented a remediation column that shows you some remediation actions to avoid specific issues to appear again in the future.
- ntopng 6.2 uses -60% of memory woth respect to 6.0 as already discussed in this blog post.
- Historical Flows can now be replayed to mimic a historical time machine
- ntopng is now ntop cloud aware, so you can control instances from the ntop cloud applications.
The list of new features it is very long and it deserves much more time than what we can offer with a blog post. For this reason we will publish specific posts in the next few days, and schedule a webinar in the coming weeks when most people will be back to work after the summer break. For those interested in knowing all changes in detail, the complete changelog is available at this page.
Enjoy and many thanks to all contributors that made this possible !