On this blow we have already discussed on how to compile and run ntopng and nProbe on a BeagleBoard and Raspberry Pi. Now we explain (courtesy of Shane Graham) how to achieve the same on a Ubiquity EdgeRouter Lite, a cheap yet powerful router.
First, setup the proper Debian repository:
configure set system package repository squeeze components 'main contrib non-free' set system package repository squeeze distribution squeeze set system package repository squeeze url http://http.us.debian.org/debian set system package repository squeeze-security components main set system package repository squeeze-security distribution squeeze/updates set system package repository squeeze-security url http://security.debian.org commit save exit
Install the prerequisites for compiling nProbe:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool automake autoconf
Prepare to compile:
tar zxvf nprobe_6.15.131104_svn3774.tgz cd nprobe_6.15.131104_svn3774
Compile and install:
./autogen.sh make make dat files sudo make install
You can now run nProbe or compile ntopng the same way. The platform is quite efficient and nProbe uses very little CPU cycles, much lower than other processes such as Squid used for URL monitoring.