We are happy to announce that ntopng has gone fully international! The following languages are now officially supported:
- English
- Italian
- Japanese
- German
Language files are completely opensource, meaning that you can choose your preferred ntopng language, no matter if you are a community, Professional or Enterprise user!
Languages are supported on a per-user basis, hence, multiple ntopng users (both administrators and normal users) can simultaneously use ntopng, each one with his/her language of choice.
Switching the language is a breeze. Just visit the “Manage Users” page, select the user of interest, click “Manage” then “Preferences” and pick a language.
Least but not last, a big thank goes to our friend Hideyuki Yamashita (yhidey_2001@yahoo.co.jp) who has donated his time to turn the dream of having a japanese-speaking ntopng into reality! This is a big service for the community! Kudos Hideyuki!